Transfer Planning

Information on transferring to bachelor degree programs.

CT State Manchester offers associate degrees that provide options to continuing your education at public and private colleges and universities in Connecticut. To achieve your educational goals, we recommend that you plan early.  Early transfer planning is key to a smooth transition. Let us help you chart a course that provides the most return on credits earned and clears a path to success. To help get into the mindset of planning early, here is a video on Transfer 101 that may be beneficial:


It is important to select an associate degree that includes courses that build toward your bachelor’s degree. Guided Pathways Advising has the resources and staff to assist you in your transfer planning.

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) Transfer Tickets

CT State Manchester is a campus of Connecticut State Community College; CT State is part of the CSCU system that consists of the community college, four state universities and Charter Oak State College. These institutions have partnered to offer a low-cost and streamlined pathway to a bachelor’s degree without incurring extra expense or requiring extra credits.

  • Start at one of CT State’s 12 campuses.
  • Choose a CSCU Transfer Ticket pathway and complete an associate degree.
  • Transfer to Central, Eastern, Southern, Western or Charter Oak and earn a bachelor’s degree.

Learn more about CSCU Transfer Tickets.

University of Connecticut: Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP)

GAP is an agreement between UConn and Connecticut community colleges that provides access and affordability to students who wish to transfer seamlessly to the University of Connecticut without needing to apply to continue their studies to earn a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences; Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources; or Business.

Learn more about the UConn GAP.   Once you have reviewed the UConn GAP informational page, and your intention is to apply to the program, email Cat Carter for assistance.

Transfer to a Specialized Program

Many of our students are interested in pursuing a specialized degree such as nursing, social work or teaching. CT State Manchester offers prerequisite courses to prepare you to transfer to four-year colleges and universities and continue your education in these and many other areas of study. Because admission requirements for these programs vary from institution to institution, you are encouraged to research each program carefully.

For information about the colleges and universities in the area that offer these specialized programs, please contact Guided Pathways Advising at 860-512-3320.

Transfer to a Private Connecticut Colleges or University

For general information about transferring to private state colleges and universities, visit the Connecticut Independent College Transfer Guarantee web page.

Contact Information

Please contact us with any questions or if you need assistance.

Guided Pathways Advising
Student Services Center, SSC L108

860-512-3320 (voicemails being retrieved and answered)

Mailing Address
Great Path, MS #8
Manchester, CT 06040