NOTICE: The email addresses below are not to be used for solicitation by businesses. They are for official college business and student interaction only. Businesses are to solicit the Student Activities office and not student clubs or advisors directly.
Administrative Professionals Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this club is to promote awareness of administrative professionals and serve as a forum for ideas and discussions.
Club email:
Advisor: Carla Adams, 860-512-2652,
Alpha Mu Gamma (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to recognize achievement in the field of foreign languages. Its goal is to stimulate a desire for linguistic attainment, encourage an interest in the study of foreign languages and foster the understanding of other people.
Club email:
Advisors: TBD
Applied Business Concepts
The purpose of this club is to apply business concepts to real-world business situations.
Advisor: Malton Edwards, 860-512-2631,
Arts Club (Inactive)
The CT State Manchester Arts Club seeks to form a group of people from various artistic disciplines including those of visual, music, theater, literature, performance, ceramics, etc. that can share their work and promote the arts throughout the community. This will be achieved by holding weekly club meetings, monthly events and various other activities.
Club email:
Advisors: Brett Eberhardt, 860-512-2665,, Olivia Chiang, 860-512-2680,
Black Student Union
The purpose of this organization is to promote unity and harmony among students of color with all other students, staff, faculty, administration and the greater community. Additionally, the organization seeks to enhance cultural diversity among students and organize social and educational activities.
Club email:
Advisor: Elijah Oliver;
Any/all Manchester students are invited who may be interested in exploring, explaining, or expressing the Christian faith. Informal and lively discussions will inspire you during your busy week via a brief but practical 15 minutes of reflection and optional prayer. Non-denominational. Meets in LRC, A-201 / Interfaith Center
Club email:
Advisor: Albert Kim, 860-512-2797,
Computer Repair and Share Club (Student Services Center, SSC L150)
The CRS Club has two roles: to repair and configure donated computers for distribution to CT State Manchester students who are unable to afford to purchase their own computer and to provide a free computer repair service for Manchester students. All services are free of charge. Students in need of a computer should email the club advisor Professor Richard Gnall and students in need of repair services should email the club or drop by the club room (around the corner from the bookstore). Students interested in joining the club should email the club or stop by the club room.
Club Email:
Advisor: Richard Gnall, 860-512-2643,
Criminal Justice Club
The purpose of the Criminal Justice Club is to provide an opportunity for students interested in criminal justice to learn more about the criminal justice system. The club is actively involved in community service and club activities include field trips, networking opportunities with professionals in the criminal justice field and special events.
Club email:
Advisors: Katy Kleis, 860-512-2795,
Dance Club
The purpose of this organization is to promote school spirit and to serve as an avenue for students to express themselves through dance. In the past, the club has participated in community service by performing at nursing homes, teaching dance to Girl Scouts in Hartford and sponsoring a holiday festival for community children during the holiday season. Members of the club have also sponsored talent shows in which CT State Manchester students have had the opportunity to showcase their talents.
Club email:
Advisors: Mariani Rodriguez and Matthew Bonesteel,; 860-512-3226
DARC – Drug and Alcohol Recovery Counselors
To educate and increase awareness of addiction issues at CT State Manchester.
Club email:
Advisor: Kimberly Platt,; 860-512-2769
Drama Club
The purpose of this organization is to promote appreciate of drama and the theater as an art form, unite all students with an interest in theater and publicly recognize and highlight drama created by students, faculty, staff and community members. The club coordinates activities such as field trips, guest speakers, charitable events and produces plays each semester. The club also engages students of any major who are looking for an outlet for creative expression, learning and practicing theatrical arts and community service.
Club email:
Advisor: Joseph Kapinos,; 860-512-3338
Gaming and Entertainment Club
The purpose of this club is to provide a fun and comfortable environment for gamers and nerds as well as anime and manga fanatics. Members strive to create a community that is based on a mutual passion for these activities. Our goal is to raise money to attend conventions and host gaming tournaments and similar affairs.
Club email:
Advisor: Michael Pence,
Green Club
The purpose of this organization is to promote issues concerning the environment and sustainability.
Club email:
Advisor: Kaja Hiscox;
Habitat for Humanity/Habitat Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need.
Club email:
Advisor: TBD
Health Careers Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this student club is to explore different career paths within Allied Health.
Advisor: TBD
History and Art History Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this student club shall be to promote the exploration of History and Art History with the CT State Manchester student body.
Club Email:
Club Advisor: Sarah Cieglo, 860-512-2767,
ICE Radio Club – Student Services Center, SSC L147
The purpose of this organization is to serve, inform, educate and entertain the students, faculty and staff of CT State Manchester. The college has its very own radio station right here on campus! Listen to your favorite tunes, catch up on current events and listen to the radio shows of CT State Manchester students, faculty and staff. If you would like more information on how to be involved in the radio station, contact the club advisor, Albert Kim. Listen live at
Club email:
Advisor: Albert Kim, 860-512-2797,
ICE TV Club invites students who are interested in learning and practicing TV production, video film making and editing, acting, and behind-the-scenes work of student-led creative video projects, both on- and off-campus. No matter what your skill level, this fun, interactive club encourages students to explore creativity, new friendships, and visible results.
Advisor: Albert Kim, 860-512-2797,
INTStudents Club (Inactive)
Club dedicated to educating and exploring international cultures and bringing students from various cultures around the world together.
Advisor: Alina Ciscel, 860-512-3241,
Le Cercle Francais (French Club) (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to promote interest in the study of the French language and culture.
Club email:
Advisor: TBD
ICE News Student Newspaper (Formerly known as Live Wire) – Student Services Center, SSC L146
ICE News is the college newspaper, managed and published by the students online. Membership is open to all students.
Club email:
Advisor: Stephania Davis, 860-512-2694,, ICE News office, 860-512-3290
Manchester Political Union
The purpose of this organization is to promote awareness of important political issues. Activities include voter registration and mock debates.
Club email:
Advisor: Angelo Messore,
Mathletes (Inactive)
The purpose of this student club is to encourage and advocate a positive interest in math.
Advisor: TBD
Multicultural Club
The purpose of this club is to celebrate bilingual students.
Advisor: Alina Ciscel, 860-512-3241,
Music Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this student club is to make music in a social environment, network with other musicians and share the power of music with the greater community.
Advisor: TBA
Muslim Student Association
The purpose of this organization is to promote friendly relations between Muslim and non-Muslim students, further present Islam to the people of other faiths and cultures and encourage brotherly bonds among college students and the community.
Club email:
Advisor: Ibtsam Mahfouz, 860-512-2710,
National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI on Campus clubs work to end the stigma that makes it hard for students to talk about mental health and get the help they need. Clubs hold creative meetings, hold innovative awareness events, and offer signature NAMI programs through partnerships with NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates across the nation.
Club Email:
Advisor: Joe Navarra, 860-512-3592,
National Society of Black Engineers (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
Club email:
Advisor: Mehrdad Faezi, 860-512-2729,
National Society of Minorities in Hospitality
The purpose of this student club is to provide professional development opportunities for those interested in working in the hospitality industry.
Advisor: William Williams, 860-512-2777,
The Newman Club (Catholic Club)
The purpose of this organization is to act as a vehicle for social welfare activities for the community and encourage the spiritual, intellectual and personal growth of its members, in accord with the tenets of the Roman Catholic faith. Our intention is to provide corporal and spiritual works of mercy to the community.
Club email:
Advisor: James Gentile, 860-512-2667,
Student Occupational Therapy Assistant Club (SOTA)
The purpose of this organization is to promote and enhance student’s knowledge of the occupational therapy profession by sharing plans and ideas, hosting forums for discussion of relevant and current issues and serving as a centralized source of information and materials that may be used by all members.
Club email:
Advisor: Donna Sweeney, 860-512-2717,
Outdoor Club
The purpose of this organization is to promote interest in the field of outdoor pursuits. Activities include camping, hiking, orienteering, fishing, etc.
Club email:
Advisor: Garrett Dell, 860-512-2666,
Paintball Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this club is to promote paintball and CT State Manchester.
Club email:
Advisor: TBD
Paralegal Association
The purpose of this organization is to provide a network for interaction between students in the paralegal program and paralegal professionals employed in the field.
Club email:
Advisor: Mary Holland, 860-512-2632, and Deborah Boyle, 860-512-2642,
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa is an internationally acclaimed honor society recognizing the academic achievement of associate degree students. The purpose of the Alpha Upsilon Alpha chapter is to promote scholarship, develop leadership and service and cultivate fellowship among qualified students at CT State Manchester. To be eligible for an invitation to join, a student must be currently enrolled, have accumulated 12 semester hours earned at CT State Manchester, have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5 and adhere to the college code of conduct.
Club email:
Advisor: Sarith Munoz-Ramos, 860-512-3344,; Wanda Reyes-Dawes, 860-512-3206,
Physics and Astronomy Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this student club is to enjoy and promote projects involving physics and astronomy.
Advisors: Fatma Salman, 860-512-2743,, Negussie Tirfessa, 860-512-2731,
Poetry Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to promote the awareness of poetry and spoken word as art forms. Activities include poetry readings and open mic nights.
Club email:
Advisor: Adrienne Dowd, 860-512-2677,
PRIDE – People Respecting Intimacy and Diversity Everywhere
The purpose of this organization is to support gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex and straight students on campus, organize and promote social activities and educate members and others on campus about GLBTQI issues. All personal issues discussed during meetings, including members’ names and sexual orientation, shall be strictly confidential. No member shall discuss personal information regarding any member, advisor or associate, with non-members or in the presence of non-members.
Club email:
Advisor: Richard Cohen, (860) 512-2624,
Radiological Sciences Club
The purpose of this student club is to support students in the radiology program or interested in radiology as a field.
Advisor: Nora Uricchio, 860-512-2730,
Science and Engineering Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to support people interested in pursuing real-life applications of science and engineering. Activities include contests and competitions, engineering projects and field trips.
Club email:
Advisors: Steven Moore, 860-512-2653,
Spanish Club (Inactive)
The purpose of this organization is to promote interest in the study of the Spanish language and Latin culture.
Club email:
Advisor: TBD
VETS – Veterans Empowering Themselves to Succeed
The purpose of this organization is to assist veterans and their dependents in networking and serve as a liaison for the veterans community outside the college.
Club email:
Advisor: James Gentile, 860-512-2667, and Michelle Labelle, 860-512-3375,