How to Register

Register for a Non-credit Course

We are only accepting non-credit registrations online through our fillable registration form or via email.  We are currently not receiving registrations via phone, fax, mail, FlexReg or walk-ins. Please see the Non-credit Catalog to learn more about our classes.

Registration Instructions

Refund Policy

In order to drop a course and receive a full refund, students must email no later than the end of the business day prior to the class start date of class (three business days before start for allied health courses). No refunds are given on or after the start date of class, unless the student has proof of one of the qualifying “extreme circumstances” identified on the Refund Appeal Form and such form and documentation is submitted to the Refund Appeals Committee.


Payment for non-credit courses is due in full immediately upon receiving payment instructions. There are no payment plans nor financial aid available for non-credit courses. Students will not be automatically dropped for non-payment and will incur a bill if payment is not received, regardless of whether they participate in class.